Some dreams keep you up at night...
Won drinking contest against Chinese Intelligence Officers
Climbed Mount Kinabalu and Mount Fuji
Lived a secret double life as a Japanese Celebrity
Is the life of the party
Cracks jokes in 4 languages
Voted "Best Buddy for the Apocalypse"
Eats red meat, does not feel guilty
Planning trip to Antarctica
Gone fishing, with a spear gun
Cooks and cleans, but prefers to pay someone else to do it
Refuses to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, unless dared to
Single mother of shoes
Will try anything once, she sees someone else do it
Drinking buddies with a real life Laura Croft

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News and Updates
Photo Sold to be Book Cover
A. Wrighton (, author of the Dragonics & Runics series, wants to use my image for her up coming book "Low Tide" coming out in the Spring of 2014.
July 10, 2013
My webseries that I wrote, directed, and produced is up and available on Youtube. These are fun 30 second videos to create an audience for the bigger project here soon. Thanks all!
July 5, 2013
On set with Jamie Charoen for her new music video "Puppet Master". I play the bitchy, popular girl in High School. Everyone was 10 years younger than me! Glad to know I can still play 17! My buddy Jeff Reyes was the producer and director, way to go man.
July 5, 2013
Spent 2 lovely days on the set working with Musa Media for a Verizon Wireless Industrial Shoot. Of in Oxnard, they recreated a fuel spill and showcased the brave people that respond. I helped out with Hazmat Tech thanks to my training in the US Navy. Great day on set and the director was the bad guy from Karate Kid!